
We appreciated that many brands, including SHIN KONG MITSUKOSHI, and T.S. Dream Mall commissioned us to arrange department store counters.

We offer professional service and high-quality products, like digital printing (PVC) and venue layout, and we also work around the store constructing at night.


規格型號 dp-3
庫存狀況 現貨

Thank famous dessert brand in Taichung for commissioning us to arrange their pop-up counter in Tainan SHIN KONG MITSUKOSHI !! 

using PVC+styling plywood Fast construction  Affordable price

We work around the store constructing at night after the store closes up

Welcome to contact customer service staff

SHIN KONG MITSUKOSHI,large format printing , event decorating,JOY CROWN advertising company

What an adorable doll! We used cut PVC and plywood.

department store in Tainan,large format printing , event decorating,JOY CROWN advertising company

The refrigerator and the workbench were covered with plywood, which created a consistent style.

the cake cabinet decorating, counter decorating, fast construction, affordable price  JOY CROWN advertising company

the cake cabinet decorating, fast construction, affordable price

Disassembly will not damage the machine paint.

department store counter decorating, nighttime construction, Tainan JOY CROWN advertising company

To enhance the texture of the workbench, we covered it with PVC and plywood.

department store counter decorating, nighttime construction, Tainan JOY CROWN advertising company

COUNTERS DECORATING PART.2: ROSARIA’s counter nighttime construction

The counter in T.S. Dream Mall was dark blue originally.

Our customer expected to keep the original structure, but it was not easy to change dark blue into white overnight.

After several times of communication and site survey/measurement, it finally got to build!!

We used white PVC, white cutting sheets, plywood, and gold cutting sheets to overwrite the original color.

department store counter decorating, professional construction, JOY CROWN advertisingcompany


department store counter decorating, professional construction, JOY CROWN advertising company


department store counter decorating, professional construction, JOY CROWN advertising company


department store counter decorating, professional construction, JOY CROWN advertising company

COUNTERS DECORATING PART.3: safety door construction of PGA TOUR’s counter in Tainan Shin Kong Mitsukoshi


safety door construction of PGA TOUR’s counter in Tainan Shin Kong Mitsukoshi,JOY CROWN advertising company safety door construction of PGA TOUR’s counter in Tainan Shin Kong Mitsukoshi JOY CROWN advertising company

the price list of the simple stage's rear panel (Size: cm)

(Including PVC, coating matte, 5mm plywood, large iron poster stand, flag holder with high pressure)

210x300 240x300 210x450 240x450 210x500 240x500 240x600

No left and right 35cm side walls


4600 5200 6800 7600 7800 8700 10300

There are left and right 35 cm side walls 


5500 6100 7700 8500 8700 9500 11000
Construction costs in Chiayi/Tainan 1600 1800 2300 2500 2600 2800 3200
Construction costs in Kaohsiung/Yunlin 2400 2600 3100 3300 3400 3600 4000
Construction costs in Taipei/New Taipei 1800 2000 2500 2700 2800 3000 3400
Construction costs in Taoyuan/Keelung 2400 2600 3100 3300 3400 3600 4000
Construction costs in Yilan/Hsinchu 3000 3200 3700 3900 4000 4200 4600



  1. For other sizes/regions, please contact customer service staff/Remote areas will be charged separately.

  2. The construction cost does not include the demolition cost, if the demolition is required, it will be quoted separately.

  3. The general construction time is from 8:30 to 19:00. If it is beyond this period, overtime will be charged.

  4. The above quotation does not include 5% sales tax.



Want to organize events and decorate the counter?

If you want to learn about costs, it is welcome to join our LINE and ask.


join JOY CROWN's LINE and ask us related question







No. 158, Kaiyuan Rd., Xinying Dist., Tainan City  , Taiwan (R.O.C.)

Unified Compilation: 53336095

Business Hours: Monday to Friday AM8:30~PM5:30

Customer service hotline: 06-6323936

Customer Service Email: pipe6868@gmail.com



1 F., No. 7, Fangzhou 6th Rd., Wugu Dist., New Taipei City, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

Customer service hotline: 02-22938681

Customer Service Email: justwindo@gmail.com


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